Legal notice

Here is the translation into English without altering the formatting:

The SecCrest GmbH offers investors a corporate participation in the form of profit participation rights (direct investment). The capital (profit participation capital) paid in by the investors is not invested in currency trading, but in the future capital management company. After the registration, still to be applied for according to § 44 KAGB, this company will generate its profits from the management of the future SecCrest funds, from which, in case of success, the base dividend and surplus participation of the profit participation rights will be paid. Due to legal regulations, the future SecCrest funds, as a special AIF pursuant to § 1 para. 6 KAGB, will be available exclusively to professional, semi-professional, and institutional investors.

The subscription of profit participation rights means corporate participation, for which there is no guarantee of success. The high chances of success are offset by equally high risks, up to the loss of the participation capital.

The profit participation rights issued by SecCrest GmbH are not subject to the prospectus requirement according to § 2 para. 3 VermAnlG, as it is an offer in which no more than 20 shares of the same asset are offered.

Each series of profit participation rights is legally limited to a maximum of 20 shares. Once all 20 shares of a profit participation rights series are subscribed, participation in it is no longer possible.

  • Minimum contribution: 50,000 euros
  • Annual base dividend: current conditions available upon request.
  • Surplus participation as a percentage of the profits of SecCrest GmbH: current conditions available upon request.

Personal on-site appointments by arrangement and upon presentation of proof of capital.